Welcome to Oporto!
The NOMA’24 International Workshop on Nonlinear Maps and Applications will be held in Oporto, Portugal.
This is the eighth edition of a series of international conferences whose previous meetings were held in Toulouse (Noma’07), Urbino (Noma’09), Évora (Noma’11), Zaragoza (Noma’13), Dublin (Noma’15), Nizhni Novgorod (Noma’17) and Mallorca (Noma’19).
This workshop brings together researchers from theoretical and application areas (mathematics, biologists, physics, economy, computer science, engineering) who are pioneering in the study of nonlinear discrete systems.
The conference is organized by University of Évora and University of Porto and hosted by University of Porto.
Porto is a beautiful and lively city, steeped in history and rich in great experiences. With its magnificent location by the Atlantic coast, Porto is the city of the world famous Port Wine and the River Douro.
Nonlinear iterative processes plays an important role in physical, biological and social phenomena. Nonlinear mappings can directly model many systems in different domains, as Engineering, Physics, Economics, Biology, etc., or they can be obtained via numerical methods permitting to solve differential nonlinear equations. In both cases, the understanding of specific behaviors and bifurcations of this type of systems is of the greatest interest. This workshop is open to theoretical studies as well as applicative ones.
Contributions in the fields of Economics, Electronics, Biology, Computational methods, Engineering, Telecommunications, besides other more fundamental lectures, are welcome. Mathematicians, Physicists, Engineers, Economists, and in general the specialists in the field of Nonlinear Systems, are invited to share their last contributions and developments in nonlinear discrete systems by participating in this conference.
Simultaneously will take place the NODBIF – Nonlinear Dynamics of the Biological Information Flow as an excellent opportunity to put also in interaction the DYNALIFE community with the experts specialized in the general field of dynamics and its applications. For such purpose, the organizers of NODBIF and NOMA have agreed to coordinate the programs of both meetings in such a way to optimize the interaction between the corresponding participants. For further information see https://www.dynalife.eu/porto-2024
The NOMA’24 International Workshop on Nonlinear Maps and Applications is sponsored by Centro de Investigação em Matemática e Aplicações – CIMA